New places available for Paddle and Tennis Classes 2025
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Forecast for emotion! New paddle tournaments and tennis to measure your level against other rivals.
We are inaugurating a new gym that will change the vision of fitness in Vall Parc.
¡Prepárate para la emoción! Nuevos torneos de pádel y tenis para medir tu nivel contra otros rivales.
Estamos inaugurando un nuevo gimnasio que cambiará la visión del fitness en Vall Parc.
We discover that the secret of well-being in Vall Parc resides in the perfect union between sport and nature. A unique place where you can enjoy absolute serenity while you train surrounded by the natural beauty of Barcelona.
Today, the paddle is one of the most practiced and valued sports. In Vall Parc we know it and that is why we have 19 paddle courts (5 indoor and 14 outdoor)
For the lovers of tennis you will find in Vall Parc your best ally to learn, develop and practice this beautiful sport of racket.
With more than 300m2 distributed over 2 floors, our gym offers double space.
We have incorporated a wide range of state-of-the-art machines, designed to work efficiently for all muscle groups.
Make partner now and maintain the conditions of your account until the opening of the new gym.
We offer classes for all levels, from start to competition, with flexible schedules and reduced groups.
Clinics are paddle and tennis activities where you can improve your technique with the assistance of a coach. There are 8 clinics every week and they are included in all prices.
We organize our paddle and tennis campuses during different holiday periods. Designed so that young people can practice tennis and paddle in an environment incomparable to free air.
Listen to a date to visit the Club in person
Descubre un entorno único donde el deporte y la naturaleza se fusionan. Como el club de Pádel más grande de Barcelona, ofrecemos 19 pistas indoor y outdoor rodeadas de un paisaje espectacular que te hará desconectar del ritmo de la ciudad.
En Vall Parc, contamos con 5 pistas indoor y 15 pistas outdoor, diseñadas para que disfrutes del pádel en cualquier temporada.
Perfecciona tu técnica con entrenamientos exclusivos. Sesiones diseñadas para llevar tu juego al siguiente nivel.
Organizamos torneos y eventos que te desafiarán y conectarán con otros apasionados del pádel.
Amplía tu red de juego. Participa en partidos abiertos y conoce a jugadores de todos los niveles mientras disfrutas del mejor ambiente.
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Aprende, Mejora y Disfruta en nuestra Escuela de Tenis y Pádel.
Este año será realmente especial. Estamos ampliando nuestras instalaciones y nos hace ilusión compartir estos avances contigo.