Vall Parc informs you, in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the protection of personal data (LOPD), of the personal data protection policy applicable to its website.

Vall Parc reserves the right to modify this policy for reasons of legislative requirements or self-regulation, for this reason we recommend that you periodically visit this legal notice.

  1. Collection of data and purpose

In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of the LOPD, we inform you that the personal data requested in any form provided on the corporate website or those you provide when you send us an email, will be incorporated into a txer of personal data for which Vall Parc is responsible, and which is registered in the General Register of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The fields of the forms marked as obligatory must be filled in, so if the user does not provide this information, Vall Parc may refuse to provide the services at its sole discretion.

The personal data you provide must be true, accurate, complete and updated, and will be liable for any damages that may be caused by non-compliance with this obligation. The data of the users of the website are processed for the following purposes:

(i) To allow participation in the services of the website, manage, process and electronically administer the user’s relationship with Vall Parc (answer queries, process the registration of the website, allow the management as a registered user, manage invitations, etc.).

(ii) Promote or advertise the activities, products and services offered by Vall Parc companies.*

At this point you expressly authorize Vall Parc to call you and/or send advertising or promotional communications by mail, email, SMS or any other equivalent means of communication. In addition, Vall Parc communications may include commercial and/or advertising information from third party partners in the sports sector (sportswear, sports equipment, adventure sports, sports magazines, competitions, sporting events, ski resorts), leisure (restaurants, accommodation, nightclubs, cinemas, theaters, festivals, shopping malls, amusement parks), health (insurance companies and clinical centers), wellness (spa centers, yoga and alternative therapies), training (training centers and courses), beauty and aesthetics (beauty and aesthetics centers and products) and personal hygiene, financial (financial and credit institutions), insurance, real estate, publishing, textile and fashion, technological devices (fitness machines, mobile telephony, electronic and computer devices), transport (road transport companies, airlines, workshops and dealers), media, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, jewelry and home furnishings, NGOs. Your personal data will in no case be communicated to these partners to send you advertising, and it will be Vall Parc who may include advertising from these third parties in the communication sent to the recipients. The advertising or promotional communications can be issued in any means of communication that Vall Parc considers appropriate, including electronic (email, calls, SMS, MMS, etc.)

(iii) Conduct surveys, statistics and market analysis.

(iv) To elaborate customer or potential customer profiles in order to personalize and improve our products and services.

Without forgetting or eliminating the above objectives, they can also be used for other additional or complementary purposes that are indicated in specific and complementary clauses enabled in certain forms on the website.

The consent given by you for the processing and communication of your personal data and obtained through this clause is understood as given for an indefinite period of time.

  1. Exercise of rights

The holder of the personal data may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by contacting Vall Parc, Carretera de l’Arrabassada 97, Barcelona 08035, by e-mail to, indicating the name and surname, address for notification purposes, copy of ID card and the right exercised.

3.Communication of data

The user expressly consents to the transfer of personal data provided on the website in favor of Vall Parc companies detailed in the “Vall Parc Companies” section of the legal notice. Your data are communicated to Vall Parc to be processed for the same purposes as those set out in section 1 of this privacy and data protection policy. The consent for the communication of personal data is revocable at any time, although it has no retroactive effect.

Likewise, we inform you that third parties, providers of services related to the website, may have access to your personal data, when their intervention is necessary for the provision of these services. This access is not considered as communication of data, but a processing on behalf of Vall Parc in its capacity as data processor.

  1. Security measures

    Vall Parc adopts the necessary technical security measures to prevent the alteration, loss or unauthorized processing of personal data you provide, taking into consideration the limitations of the Internet. Vall Parc adopts the security measures of basic, medium and high level established in the Regulation of development of the LOPD (RD 1720/2007, of December 21), depending on the type of data to be treated, as well as the security measures stipulated by the regulations in force and applicable at all times. Vall Parc complies with the duty of secrecy and maintains its commitment to confidentiality regarding the treatment of your personal data.

  2. Traffic data

    We inform you that the navigation and programming system necessary for the functioning of this website obtains some information that can be considered as “personal data” and therefore, is information that is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet. The data collected are those relating to IP addresses, data, user IDs and URLs. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the website and to verify its correct functioning, and are deleted immediately after processing.

  3. Processing of data of minors

    The data collection forms contained in this website are not directed to persons under 14 years of age. Without prejudice to the limitations presented by the Internet for the effective verification of the age of the minor, Vall Parc makes every technical and procedural effort to verify the age of users, and denies participation to those under 14 years.


Subscription to services

In compliance with articles 21 and 22 of the Law of services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI-CE), we request your express consent to receive commercial communications and/or advertising Vall Parc through any means of electronic communication. The acceptance to receive them is granted with the acceptance of our conditions of “Confidentiality and data protection”, which appear in each form of data collection enabled on the website.

However, in each advertising or commercial communication, by electronic means, we give you the option to express your refusal to continue receiving this type of documents. You can always request it by sending an e-mail to

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